A team of scientists at the university of Southampton in England recently make optical fiber transmission speed real close to the cosmic speed limit - the speed of light. Francesco bole (FrancescoPoletti) and his team can manufacturing optical fiber with 99.7% of the speed of light to transmit data, with data volume 73.7 Tb/s, or about 10 Tb/s, the speed ratio is commonly used now 40 gb level of fiber optic cable to more than one thousand times faster, and greatly reduces the transmission delay. The relevant research papers have been published in the journal nature on the photoelectric ZiKan.
The propagation velocity of light in a vacuum to 299792458 meters per second, and the speed of light in the rest of the medium will be greatly reduced. In the ordinary optical fiber (is made of quartz glass), the speed of light will be reduced by 31%. The light in the air spread faster than ? in the glass